Honeymoon on Hell Island Paperback book is now available.

From internationally acclaimed writer and illustrator Daniel Grant comes a story about sex and survival on a danger filled island. Honeymoon on Hell Island Print Edition

Tommy and Heather, like many newlyweds, search desperately for an inexpensive honeymoon destination. Tommy finds an all-inclusive beach resort located on the lovely island of San Dominique. Normally, when a couple books a deeply discounted vacation the most difficult experience they might encounter is lousy drinks and a tedious timeshare presentation. This discounted honeymoon might cost them their marriage and their lives.

Below is the Amazon link to the book.


Cover and Back Jacket

Honeymoon on Hell Island book cover and back jacket.

Freebie graphic novel sample for those unfamiliar with my work.


Also look at my other graphic novel series, The Event.

Bare-assed sexy woman in trouble. The Penitent New Update.

Somebody help that bare-assed sexy Sadie Morris with her skimpy little dress.  I’ve been doing some concept work for a sword and sorcery epic.  That project is taking taking quite a bit of my time.

In a dystopian world of the future — well that world might actually be here right fucking now — the Morality Gang has taken control and turned the world to utter shit.  Sadie Morris gets drunk at her husband’s office party and lands behind the desk with two of her husband’s colleagues.  The sex gets posted on line and the clip goes viral.  The authorities arrest Sadie for her exploits and at this point of the story, her husband has abandoned her, and she’s on her way to trial.

I know I’ve been a long time posting here.  Too much work and not enough time.  I’ll try to do better, but of course no promises.

Here’s the link to the story posted so far.  http://dallent.com/danielgrant/index.php/2018/05/29/the-penitent-graphic-novel/


Follow me on Twitter at dgrant39 for more updates.   https://twitter.com/dgrant39

Bare-assed sexy woman, Sadie Morris taken to the bridge

Somebody please help the young lady with her dress.

Art – The Penitent Serialized Graphic Novel – New Page 6/26/2018 Read it Now.

Art of the Penitent Graphic Novel

Graphic Art.  Sadie pays for her legal defense.  She realizes that in spite of her best interest,  her dire situation arouses her.

To read the entire story to date click here.  The Penitent Graphic Novel.

Follow me on Twitter.  @dgrant39

Graphic Art. Sadie pays for her legal defense and realizes that in spite of her best interest, she's aroused by her dire situation.
Graphic Art. Sadie pays for her legal defense.  She realizes that in spite of her best interest, her dire situation arouses her.

Here are the links to The Event .  Available from Amazon.


From internationally acclaimed author and illustrator Daniel Grant comes the story of a husband and wife who struggle and search to better define their love for each other. Michael and Darci’s marriage is in trouble. They love each other without question, but they just don’t seem to click in the bedroom and in life. Michael loses himself in his work. Darci resorts to an affair outside the marriage. Ironically, both crave the intensity of BDSM lovemaking, but neither are comfortable communicating what they really desire. Through a series of sexy, hilarious, and sometimes frightening missteps the lovers redefine their marriage and their love life.

Sex and The Penitent – New Pages 06/21/2018 – Read them now.

Sex and the Penitent

Sadie can’t help but note irony in the fact that she’s to pay for her legal defense in a sex-based case with her body.

To read the entire story to date click here.  The Penitent Graphic Novel.

Follow me on Twitter.  @dgrant39

Sex. Sadie's Sex Life has changed forever.
Sadie’s Sex Life has changed forever.

Novel New Page for The Penitent Graphic Novel June 19, 2018

Digest of Page

A novel way to pay one’s legal fees.

Here is a Link to the entire story – at least to the point I’ve finished it.  The Penitent Graphic Novel.

Please follow me on Twitter.  @dgrant39


Paying the legal bill in a novel fashion.
Paying the legal bill in a novel way.


Here are the links to The Event .  Available from Amazon.


From internationally acclaimed author and illustrator Daniel Grant comes the story of a husband and wife who struggle and search to better define their love for each other. Michael and Darci’s marriage is in trouble. They love each other without question, but they just don’t seem to click in the bedroom and in life. Michael loses himself in his work. Darci resorts to an affair outside the marriage. Ironically, both crave the intensity of BDSM lovemaking, but neither are comfortable communicating what they really desire. Through a series of sexy, hilarious, and sometimes frightening missteps the lovers redefine their marriage and their love life.

Penitent Graphic Novel – New Pages – Check them out right now.

New Pages

Penitent Graphic Novel.  Here are new pages for this week.   I am once again late,  so please accept my humble apologies.

Here is a Link to the entire story – at least to the point I’ve finished it.  The Penitent Graphic Novel.

Please follow me on Twitter.  @dgrant39

The Penitent Graphic Novel. She's a sex trafficker.
She’s a sex trafficker.

The Penitent Graphic Novel. Paying the legal bill in-kind.
Paying the legal bill in-kind.


Check out The Event Parts 1 – 3 on Amazon.  These stories are available in  print and ebook format and print editions are glossy 8.5 by 11 pages.

Part 1








Part 3


Sexy. Sexy. The Penitent Sexy Serialized Comic Graphic Novel.

Another Sexy Page from The Penitent Serialized Comic Graphic Novel.

Click the title below for The Penitent’s sexy Main Page to read the entire thing.  The Penitent Graphic Novel.

Well, at least you can read the pages I’ve posted so far.   The story rolls along nicely.  I should be able to maintain my two pages a week schedule for the foreseeable future.

Updated links for The Event Series of Comic Graphic Novels

Since both ebook and print versions of parts 1, 2, and 3, are on Amazon now, I thought that sometime soon I’d post an updated set of links.

Follow me on Twitter.  @dgrant39

Better not to be a blasphemer or a sexy sex fiend in the new world order.
Better not to be a blasphemer or a sex fiend in the new world order.

Comic Update – New Page for The Penitent Comic Graphic Novel

New Page for The Penitent Comic Graphic Novel

Page 6 of The Penitent Comic Graphic Novel.  If you’d like a more linear read, please click link and follow to the main post page.  The Penitent Graphic Novel.

The State gave Sadie death penalty specifications for fooling around in this dire and dangerous comic.
The State gave Sadie death penalty specifications for fooling around in this dire and dangerous comic.

Twitter Follows – https://twitter.com/dgrant39

Please follow me on twitter.  My twitter feed is filled with worthy erotic authors.  I retweet their titles along with their many free book offers.

If you like my work, follow me.  It’s much easier to focus content on you, my very important readers.

Erotica Authors Standing Together

This should go without comment, but if we support each other’s work, we all win.

The Penitent Graphic Novel Updated and My New Kinky Summer Reading Bonanza

New Summer Reading Book Promotion on Amazon

I’ve been working on a new Kinky Summer Reading Bonanza Promotion in association with Amazon.

As always, all my ebooks are Free on Kindle Unlimited

The Event Part 1 Ebook is now free for everyone until June 5.

The Event Part 3 Ebook is now available.

Damn, I’m late again.

The Penitent Graphic Novel As you are probably already aware, I’m a day late posting this.  Perhaps I should go for two pages a week and not specify which days, though I’ll still try for Tuesday and Thursday posts.

Twitter Hashtags


Summer Reading Bonanza. Sadie meets with her lawyer and finds she's in even deeper shit than she originally thought.
Down with Blasphemers.

I’m also placing any new pages into my previous post if you want a more linear read.

The Penitent Graphic Novel, New Pages and GDPR compliance

In a dystopian world of the future — well that world might actually be here right fucking now — the Morality Gang has taken control and turned the world to utter shit. Sadie Morris gets drunk at her husband’s office party and lands behind the desk with two of her husband’s colleagues. The sex gets posted on line and the clip goes viral. The authorities arrest Sadie for her exploits and at this point of the story, her husband has abandoned her, and she’s on her way to trial.

New Contact Form For GDPR

I’m also working on a contact form that’s in GDPR compliance, one that doesn’t ask or require personally identifiable information.  Email isn’t a big part of my overall marketing strategy, so I’d prefer not to collect anybody’s anything.

Warning – This is a Draft Copy.

This is a draft of The Penitent graphic novel, posted in progress.  It may contain errors, omissions and a variety of scandalous scenes which may or may not publish in the final draft.  If anyone finds errors, I’d love to hear about it.  If anyone finds a scandalous scene let me know if you love it, hate or if I’ve gone too far.

Warning – Pushing the Envelope

The writers and illustrators of Graphic novels have always pushed the storytelling envelope.  The greats of the field started Heavy Metal Magazine for the purpose of telling stories without censorship or the other bullshit that comes with allowing a small subset of the population to decide what we can read.   I’m hoping to continue that tradition with The Penitent and other stories.

New Pages

I’ve already violated my hope to get pages posted a couple times a week, and I  hope this won’t happen again.


Follow me on Twitter at dgrant39 for more updates.   https://twitter.com/dgrant39

New Disclaimer Related to The Penitent

So, without further ado, here are some more pages starting with a new set of disclaimers.

A Set of Disclaimers For The Readers of The Penitent.


Cover Art Showing Main Character and Her Dastardly Masked Captors.
Cover Art Showing Main Character and Her Masked Dastardly Captors.


Sadie is a prisoner.
Sadie is a prisoner.


6 panel comic book page of the Penitent. Our main character is clearly in deep shit.
Our main character is clearly in deep shit.


Darci is captured and has an impromtu meeting with her lawyer.
Down with the Blasphemers


The State gave Sadie death penalty specifications for fooling around in this dire and dangerous comic.
The State gave Sadie death penalty specifications for fooling around in this dire and dangerous comic.


Better not to be a blasphemer or a sexy sex fiend in the new world order.
Better not to be a blasphemer or a sex fiend in the new world order.


She's a sex trafficker.
She’s a sex trafficker.


Paying the legal bill in-kind.
Paying the legal bill in-kind.


Paying the legal bill in a novel fashion.
Paying the legal bill in a novel way.


Sadie's Sex Life has changed forever.
Sadie’s Sex Life has changed forever.


Graphic Art. Sadie pays for her legal defense.  She realizes that in spite of her best interest, her dire situation arouses her.
Graphic Art. Sadie pays for her legal defense. She realizes that in spite of her best interest, her dire situation arouses her.




Sadie taken to the bridge.
Sadie on her way to the bridge.
Bare-assed sexy woman, Sadie Morris taken to the bridge
Somebody please help the young lady with her dress.
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